Politics: The Good News In Philippines


Is There An Apostille in Philippines?

One issue we experience in law practice, inclusive of in situations for acceptance of foreign divorce decrees, it’s the problems in protecting verified copies of the divorce rule and other related certificates. Validating documents is a long process and expensive one. Good news! The DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs) lately just mentioned that Philippines has already accepted to the Apostille Convention eliminating process in validating documents. As stated by the DFA.

With the Apostille Convetion, from the Apostille public foreign documents-contracting foreign countries, must to be legitimize in what state they come from through PE (Philippine Embassies) and Consulates General to be accepted in the country.

Public documents in Philippines will must not go through foreign policy or consular legitimization to be able to use in other countries that is accepting Apostille service.

“The DFA takes pride in leading methods to smooth-running and simplify procedures and services of the Filipino people, which is the spirit of succession to the Apostille Convention,” said Alan Peter S. Cayetano (Foreign Affairs Secretary) .

“The Apostille Convention decrease the process for the use of foreign public documents, which will be easier cross-border trade, investment and other important matters. This is specifically helpful Filipino people who is working from other countries, who also need and show public documents from the Philippines in the countries were they came from,” Secretary of Foreign Affairs discussed.

Based on the last update Sept. 12, 2018, there are 117 contracting parties to the Convention (the term Contracting Party “includes the two cases which the Convention has, and cases in which the Convention haven’t yet, joined into force for that Party following the deposit of its tool of agreement, accession, or approval”

The contracting parties includes:  Asia countries, Europe countries, Africa, South America, North America, Australia/Oceania and Antarctica.

Steps: How To Acquire A Birth Certificate In Philippines


Analysis of Trump’s Migration Policy Changes Has Lowered Number of Foreigners Granted Immigrant Status


The Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan organization that conducts authoritative research and analysis of information about migration and integration policies recently came out with an analysis of what the Trump administration has achieved so far.


The analysis shows that despite the strong pronouncements made by President Trump about his intention to change the migration landscape in the US, his administration has so far achieved only baby steps. Nonetheless, the changes implemented even if not visible, are important, since fewer number of immigrants have succeeded in gaining legitimate entry into the country

Examples of Policy Shifts that Lowered Migrant Admissions in the US

While Trump’s main political promise to build a higher US-Mexico Border Wall in the south is yet to see fulfillment, several changes were set into motion. Their implementation in related federal agencies somehow brought down the number of foreign nationals taken in by the country.

Enhancement of Immigration Enforcement – Interviews on all visa applicants, including those applying for “green card” has been mandated. Applicants for temporary visa were met with increased scrutiny, while additional requirements became necessary as part of a more comprehensive vetting procedure. All of which, contributed to the slowing down of US visa processing.

Cut Backs on Humanitarian Programs – In addition to increasing application requirements, federal agencies in charge of handling refugees and asylum seekers have implemented a narrower set of eligibility criteria. The goal of which is to scale down the number of noncitizens allowed to enter as refugees, or to receive temporary protection.

Increased Vetting and Obstacles for Legal Immigration – After hurdling a legal battle, the Trump administration succeeded in banning nationals coming from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen; citing as reasons terrorist activities, inability to properly document travelers and poor cooperation with US authorities.

Critical Setbacks Preventing Trump Administration in Implementing Other Migration Policy Shifts

To date, the Trump administration is faced with several lawsuits and house committee investigations. Many of which are aimed at putting an end to president Trump’s continuing pursuit of the billions of dollars worth of funding for expanding the US Mexico border wall. In fact, none of Trump’s proposed legislations have been passed by the US Congress, while not a few court rulings have suspended the implementation of his executive orders, which include the “Zero Policy”. The latter calls for the filing of criminal charges against adults proven to have illegally entered the US.

How Powerful Children’s Photos Are For Politics, Government, and the World



A number of the worlds strongest documentary photographs portrays kids. We see documentary صور of kids in publications, news reports and as leading photos in finance campaigns for help, development function and emergency relief attempts.

Why is this? Well, not just are kids adorable, but due to their elegance and innocence, they evoke powerful feelings of empathy from the viewer.

With kids too young to become severely mixed up in politics and faith, the photographs of kids have the capability to cross all boundaries and reach out into our hearts.

There are some notions that simply appear to operate over and over. The kid crying and alone. Kids playing in the center of destruction and poverty. These photographs themes have become clichés, therefore it’s all up to people, the photographers, to use our artistic abilities to prevent tripping the cliché. As a general rule, however, if you’re able to catch a kid displaying a powerful emotion on your photograph, you get a fantastic opportunity to produce a strong photograph.

There’s another couple of hints to create powerful documentary photographs of kids. Broadly , try to go near the kid and prevent interfering in the kid’s natural behaviour. These principles may obviously be contradictory. If the child begins to create supernatural poses and gestures in the camera, then you do not get that true feeling. And as you’re in the procedure, attempt to’divert’ the kid’s attention away from the camera by simply requesting them some questions if needed. Being near the child and utilizing a wide-angle lens typically makes for a more’receptive’ photograph, one which asks more questions than it answers. Additionally, it provides a sense of familiarity between the child and the individual taking a look at the picture, thus evoking a more powerful emotional reaction.

A photograph only shows one particular angle of“the whole picture”.

As documentary photographers, we’ve got the capacity to pick which side of this story we would like to show. However, we also have a responsibility to not distort the truth. This is the point where a photograph series may be a fantastic idea. A photograph series can’t just catch the powerful feelings, but might demonstrate the wide variety and diversity of a specific subject.


Immigration Lawyers And The Trump Administration


The immigration attorneys’ role such as the abogado de inmigracion las vegas have not been so vital up until the election of Trump as the president of the Unite States. As Trump took office, he has carried out several of his campaign programs that gained him votes, like extreme vetting, border security and canceling the executive actions of Obama, particularly the deferred action programs.

Roles Of Immigration Lawyers

Immigration lawyers frequently make use of their time raking through the fine print of the documents of their clients as well as government and immigration laws and regulations. Although immigration policies and regulations can be tricky and convoluted, immigration lawyers assist clients by imparting comprehensive details and information about the latest immigration policies and processes in the United States as well as to provide legal advice to aid clients with their immigration queries.

Millions of individuals have immigrated to the United States for several purposes such as reunification with family, work opportunities, and other opportunities economically or politically. With the recent update on the immigration policies, it is imperative to be aware of how the system of immigration in the U.S. works to be ready and equipped to navigate the U.S. immigration regulations.

Proceedings in the immigration court are civil and not criminal; therefore there is no mandatory right to an attorney if you can’t meet the expense of one. That places more strain on legal clinics that are nonprofit as well as immigration lawyers open to accept cases for a tad to no charge at all.

Throughout the nation, merely a few states and cities arrange for financial resources for lawyers to assist individuals dealing with deportation. In 2017, California became one of them, subsequent to a research that discovered that over two-thirds of immigrants that are detained in the state do not have legal representation. Moreover, it was found that detained immigrants who did have attorneys were five times more expected to win their cases.

Trump’s Actions On Immigration

The load on the congested system of immigration, which is already submerged in a logjam, has amplified with a chain of actions by the Trump administration such as:

  • Attempts to either deport or detain adults and bring their children to centers which often are distant or remote
  • Changes in policies in agencies of the government that make it tougher for children to acquire a legal status as well as obtain aid and support from a lawyer
  • Two verdicts by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions limited the capability of immigration judges to make a decision when a case is all set for a final ruling.

Concerning Politicians Who Use Steroids


The Issues Of Politicians Using Anabolic Steroid

The U.S. politicians who have impatiently dabble into the issues of anabolic steroid use in other sports insisted only to be worried about the health, health and morality of susceptible young adults. What they are usually doing, nevertheless, is trolling for a sure political conqueror, even if that means treading all over the virtues of independent athletes.

It is hard to stand issues as composite and schismatic as, say, social-security mend. But it is demanding to sound tough and determined whenever it comes to sports. And for this reason, some athletes resorts to resources such as www.anabolika-nebenwirkungen.de to stand out in their own chosen sports. Men who are taking these types of meds illegally know that it may cause serious health risk. This is also dangerous to young people striving to copy the body shapes and athletic achievements of those they admire.

Even if steroids had been at least tolerated by some politicians, it is an issue that somehow affects the men in our society particularly in their persona. While there are advantages, there are more disadvantages that are quite alarming. So many Self-Governing and Democrats have jumped on the vogue that three disparate anti-steroid bills have been introduced in the past months.

Concerns About Steroids

Legislator has a right to be anxious about steroid abuse among the young people. A study last year by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found out that almost 7% of high-school boys and more than 5% of high school girls had tried steroids illegally. The politicians are also equitable to press alliance administrator to do a greater job of policing their athletes and to inflict penalty charges adequate to dissuade those who would resort to anabolic steroids, hormone solutions or other chemical procedure of enhancing their performances.

Law Regarding to Anabolic Steroids

As the role of the government, by all means strengthen the implementation of existing laws. In Canada it is really illegal and in the United States to manufacture, maintain or send out anabolic steroids,which are same substances with cocaine . But do not single out pro or nonprofessional athletes for harsh penalties outside the purview of the judicature or their own confederacy. Athletes should not receive any special treatment because they are a celebrity. Neither they should become fodder for politicians searching to score low points.

Senate committee hears from NFL officials about steroid use


How Does Politics Relate to Sport


It has always been a great debate if politics and sport should come together. A mind boggling issue that link politics to influence sport in either on a negative or positive side has never been ended.

Basically, there are many instances that politics give a bad picture in the field of sport. However, the good side of politics had also been showcased in sport as well.

The complicated connection between politics and sport

Politics behind sport can be seen mostly in various types of sport. And at some point, it could be in a complicated one.

The Indian Sport

The bad side of politics exemplifies through the experienced indignity of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA). This happened during the time that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended the said sport organization in India. However, this suspension of the IOA had been linked with many reasons.

Those reasons resulted to pointing of fingers to the Indian government and IOA together with the IOC and other sport associations in India. Because the IOC has suspended, it leads to athletes missing out all of the funding from the government and failure to participate in the Olympic games.

In the field of tennis

Moreover, in the world of tennis where audience’s adrenaline rush keeps on flowing for every sweeps of the player’s TennisRacketPro, the politics behind that sport also intensifies the game. Famous characters of tennis have their personal intentions within the sport organization.

Just a few months ago, Stan Wawrinka blamed Novak Djokovic due to the political feud that is embedding inside men’s tennis. This made Djokovic a primary person against Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.

The reason behind this political war are due to the expiration of the term of the ATP Chairman Chris Kermode. Player’s council vote resulted to a split decision. The said tennis player’s council election was led by Djokovic, however Wawrinka still pointing Djokovic as the person to blame for all of those lies.

Djokovic is now the president and the top player as well. And now the spot light is all over him. But, we know that lot of players still want to extend the Kermode term.

The good link between politics and sport

Politics and sport can also come together and can have a good relationship between each other. Just take a look at sport in Cuba. Their banner says that “sport is for all”.

The good thing about the Cuban government is that they allow all of their people to engage in sport even in an early age. Even at school, students are engaged in sport and politics which marks a sign of being political. And all of the things connected in sport are funded by the government.

Why Even Wedding Photography is Also About Conveying Political Statements

Political Photography, Politics

Politics has a different meaning from political. Photography is not politics because as a profession, its essence as a career has nothing to do with activities associated with governance, or in referring to ideologies dividing individuals into parties, organizations or stances.

Yet photography can be political because it captures images that can make a statement, or convey a message, as well as tell a story about a subject and what he, she or they represent. Political photography therefore is similar to wedding photography.

Different Facets of Political Photography

Political photography makes photographic statements that suit the purpose of different persons, bodies or organizations involved in politics.

The Chief Official White House Photographer, for example, handles a team of photographers who covers the daily activities not only of the incumbent president, but also those of the members of his immediate family. However, not all photographs taken during the day are released for publishing. The White House communications department chooses which of the captured images can be best used to illustrate official White House statements offered as press releases.

Another example of political photography involves work commissioned to cover campaign trails of political candidates. To which the objective of course is to take photographs of candidates in ways that will convince voters of his sincerity in fulfilling his campaign promises. Campaign trail photographs also project stories of how well-loved, or at least how well the candidate was received in different regions.

Political Photographer vs. Photojournalist – A photojournalist covering the same campaign trail is not expected to duplicate the same shots taken by the political journalist.

A photojournalist has more leeway on how he or she wants to project the image of the candidate, usually for purposes of conveying neutrality or reality. If a candidate looks pale and feeble, then there is no need to adjust saturation in order to make the candidate look well and lively; or to edit out liver spots that suggest health disorders. A photojournalist may also apply lighting that will give equal emphasis on the candidate and the background, to suggest neutrality of the political statement conveyed by a photo


Still, all those three photographers are into political photography, albeit adhering to different photo-taking principles.

Wedding Photography is Also Political by Nature

Catherine Ross a professional wedding photographer is also a disciple of political photography. Her gallery of wedding photographs at https://catherinejgrossphotography.com exemplify how she uses lighting, angles and saturation in positions idealizing the bridal couple’s relationship. A wedding may be traditional, but it does not necessarily mean producing staple photos that project only the usual betrothal rites and the typical beaming smiles during wedding ceremonies.

To be political in capturing images of the union, a wedding photographer may choose angles that project the couple as a pair of forward-looking individuals all set to face the challenges of marriage. Rather than present them as dreamy-eyed lovers, a political presentation will focus on emphasizing facial projections that suggest strength and solidity of union.

Like Catherine, the current Official White House Photographer Shealah Craighead also started out as a professional wedding photographer. In interviews in which she was asked about her work as the official photographer of a quite controversial president, Ms. Craighead remarked that the challenges are mainly on the hectic schedule and in handling a team of photographers, but not on the job itself.

She also commented that the job offer was an opportunity too valuable to pass up. After all, her main task is to see to the documentation of the history of Donald Trump and that of his first and second families, during his tenure as the 45th president of the United States.

Get Money Back with an Expert Cleaning Service


Do you know what to do when planning to move to a new house? There is a list of items to do this you definitely know of. There is one that everyone believes – leaving the home looking like it had been the day you moved in. And surely, it’s a major deal to some people. Check at how Experienced cleaning solutions – End of lease cleaning melbourne company – can allow you to get your cash back!

  • When you go to a home, it is in a particular state that changes the longer you reside inside in it. It moves through general wear and tears. This becomes evident as time passes. In the end, they will need to rent it out to another individual and will have difficulty getting the anticipated amount to it if it appears shabby. They could be forced to withhold bond cash and use it to cover compensation. This causes a lessee to overlook getting the bond cash, and it generates an unnecessary rift between tenants and landlords.
  • There are many different things to arrange and take good care of. As soon as it’s likely to take on the cleaning oneself or find the assistance of family and friends, an ideal job might not be ensured. By employing specialist services, customers can expect stellar results since they’re trained to exactly the same. They have the experience in addition to the appropriate tools necessary to finish the job. Many businesses also supply warranties, which means you get back your money if you are not completely happy.
  • An ending of rental cleaning entails more than the usual cursory dusting and cleaning. It involves a comprehensive clean including polishing and washing work surfaces, removing lime scale from faucets and sinks, and cleaning ovens of dirt and polishing the outside. It will not end there: the team will also dust, vacuum, and wash windows and door handles in addition to clearing rubbish and washing knick-knacks.

An expert service supplier does all of the work so you don’t need to.

  • They deliver their cleaning stuff, may provide same-day service and re-cleans if needed. End of rental cleaning also will come with regular reductions. Since going may be pricey, this can be a welcome breather for clients who want the support of an agency but also ought to spend less. Get back your bond without a hassle by taking advantage of the support. You may save yourself time and effort by departing cleaning at the hands of specialists and concentrate on other things. They will do a superb job and will make certain you and your spouse will be more than fulfilled.

When Your Political Correctness Is Not ‘Correct’ Enough

When Your Political Correctness Is Not ‘Correct’ Enough


You may have already noticed that the level of discourse on the internet has improved over the years. In social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, you can already see people debating over today’s pressing issues. It appears that some people are done posting only about their everyday lives and sharing their personal experiences. Now, they have become more vocal about the present political situation. Others may call these people as “Social Justice Warriors” or SJWs, but this should not be viewed negatively as we are given the rights to express our opinions and concerns, especially if we feel that the current system is already oppressing our way of living.

However, even within the circles of those who are political vocal, disagreement still arises on how they should treat each issue. We know that there are many important issues that we need to settle once and for all in this world, particularly the issue on racism, sexism, and classism. A person could share his politically correct statement, fighting against a particular discrimination in our society, although his or her peers may still find his statement as lacking. His views might be politically correct, but it is not correct enough to address all other underlying issues that come with his cause.

Intersectionality Is Important: Be More Mindful Of All The Issues That Impact Your Group

We deal with different kinds of injustices everyday and it is just normal for us as sentient beings to fight for fair treatment. Our voice can be heard much clearer if we can gather and have a collective action, meaning that we are not only fighting for our rights individually, but as an entire group that shares the same beliefs and experiences.

While it may be true that the government tries to provide its citizens with the best quality of life that is possible, there are times when people do feel neglected. For one, the lack of job opportunity pushes people over the edge and they have no other choice but to let the good things pass by. With no stable income, some people could not even afford to repair their own house. It’s a good thing that there are great contractors out there like roofer fort worth that can offer you the best service when it comes to fortifying your roofing at a very reasonable price. Still, if a person has other problems in mind like paying taxes and healthcare fees (which have become much more expensive throughout the years), he can not even think of fixing his crumbling home.

We can always look deeper into things and not just judge them based on what we see on the surface. This kind of treatment of analyzing the important issues in our society is a tell-tale sign that you are a political science student, but of course, one does not need to be an expert to start being more critical, or to think outside the box.

Infertility and its Political Implications


The Politics of Infertility and Population Decline

According to the worldometer organizations, as of January 2019, the world population projections is approximately 7,714,576,923. There are countries that are overpopulated and other countries that are underpopulated. Overpopulation has various negative impacts to a certain country such as: unemployment that leads to poverty, chaos, undisciplined citizens.  The increasing number of population is caused by numerous factors. Some of the major factors contributing to population growth are reduced mortality rate, reduction of precious resources, lack of knowledge when it comes to contraception, and many others. On the other hand, under population occurs in some countries such as Australia which is the world’s smallest content and the sixth largest country having the least population among other countries around the world. There are also various factors contributing to the population decline of a country such as: diseases, heavy immigration and infertility. The most common cause of under population is infertility. Its causes and solutions will be discussed as we go along in this blog.

Infertility and its Causes 

Like discussed earlier, the major factor that contributes to under population is infertility. But first, what is infertility? Infertility is when a man or a woman does not have the ability to conceive and bear a child. In some cases, it is hereditary sometimes not. Both male and female can be infertile, however most cases happen to women. What are the causes of infertility? If you and your partner are planning to have a baby, then you must be extra careful and observe the following that may cause infertility like: endometriosis and other diseases, surgery, and too much fatigue that may lead to lower libido. If you have been trying to conceive a baby for almost a year, then it’s time for you to see a doctor. Good news is that there are already available products you can buy to prevent infertility without consulting a doctor. These products are being advertised in news articles through social media.

Prevention is Better than Cure

It was discussed in the previous section of the article that infertility has a negative impact in the population. Moreover, it affects every person physically, psychologically and financially. In order to avoid this, aphrodisiacs for women are of good help. This type of product will help every couple who are struggling to have a baby.