How to get into politics


Very few professional politicians are political scientist’s graduates. Of course, a basic understanding of political issues and processes is a prerequisite for entering the profession, but it is much more important to have specialist knowledge in various areas and, above all, to have contacts with the political scene.

That is why politics is not to be seen as a classic lateral entry branch because in the rarest of cases a career works at the push of a button. Rather, long-term networks have to be established and maintained. Therefore, at the beginning of lateral entry into politics, there is almost always entry into a party. Learn how to download Youtube videos and educate yourself briefly about the political scene.

Cliché and truth

There are many stereotypes and stereotypes about professional politicians. They are often viewed as incapable, weak at a decision, and dishonest. They only think of themselves, at best maybe also of their party, but they don’t care about the citizens at home. So it’s not surprising that a lot of people think they are better politicians. But the job of a politician is very demanding and complex.

Anyone planning to get into politics across the board has a long way to go. The so-called “ox tour” can often be bypassed, but not always. The ox tour describes the arduous course of the political career. This usually starts at the bottom, for example in local or district associations. Politicians work their way up from there, but that too is not certain.

Who or what are politicians?

Politicians need some qualifications to be successful. There is no direct training for a career in politics. Rather, what counts are certain skills that politicians should have. So it is important that they have instinct and empathy. The ability to listen is just as fundamental as being a good speaker. Decision-making competence, a feeling for the right timing, self-confidence, and willingness to make decisions are also part of the prerequisites. Reliable, fair and patient, sociable, willing to make contracts, self-portrayed in relation to the media, decent and exemplary – that is what politicians should be, too – even if the public profile is different. In general, lateral entrants with a degree have better opportunities. The type of study you go to does not matter.


Consumer Rewards Programs


For politicians to gain supporters, they need to have and efficiently run a political campaign that will appeal to its existing supporters as well as draw in new ones. Without an effective political campaign, politicians either lose some of their existing supporters or miss out the chance of winning over potential supporters.

This is similar to any type of businesses. For a business to grow and retain its base of customers, having some kind of rewards program will very much help. A loyalty program is an example of a rewards program wherein they come in different types. Check out where consumers review various rewards programs. This will give you an idea as what kind of reward programs appeal more to consumers as well as give you an idea on what you need to improve in terms of the rewards and incentives you offer.

Types of Loyalty Rewards Programs

Loyalty is one reason as to why customers always return to you. Building this customer loyalty doesn’t happen overnight. It requires time, effort and budget. Hence, it is essential that you reward your customers so as to make certain you don’t lose them and that your efforts won’t go to waste. A research discovered that growing consumer retention rate by as low as 5% could increase returns by 95%. With that, let’s check out some types of loyalty programs that you could incorporate in your business.

Points Programs

This is one of the most popular customer loyalty program type that is quite effective since earning points is easy and redeeming them is easy as well. This program could be managed by means of a loyalty card or perhaps a mobile app and could be redeemed for credit to discounted services, giveaways, or for next purchase. Since most brands make use of the points program, customers easily recognize this format and understand how it works as well as how to maximize them.

Spending-based Programs

In the points program, points are given to customers for each purchase they make. But how are customers who make bigger spending in a shorter span of time rewarded? The Spend-based Program allows a business/company to acknowledge and reward high-spending customers by providing them certain perks that aren’t offered in the regular Points Programs.

Tier-based Programs

Tier programs is similar to playing a video game wherein you begin at level one and move on to succeeding levels when you have successfully completed all the quest or tasks in that level. Tier-based Programs usually begins with a Points Program. As soon as you have finished the first level of spending, your customers could move to the next tier and have access to better and greater perks and benefits.

Political education in schools


Enabling young people to participate in society in a self-determined manner, to actively and responsibly help shape democracy – that is the main goal of political education in schools. They should learn to take responsibility for themselves and others, for nature and the environment. They should meet people of different origins and convictions without prejudice, get to know the values ​​of different cultures, and stand up for peaceful, non-discriminatory coexistence.

Political education more important than ever

In view of the current political and social mood, political education is more important than ever. Because the general political weather situation – nationally and internationally – is characterized by turbulence. You see how one can win people over with blunt xenophobia and the targeted use of fake news, that political parties, whose attitude to liberal democracy can be argued about, achieve enormous gains in elections. That should make you think. Because the past teaches you, just like a look over the fence, that democracies are often successively eroding without being noticed by many.

Education for democracy

Political education, especially education for democracy should start with the social reality and the concrete everyday reality of young people. It should be imparting knowledge about the values ​​and norms on which it is based. It should, at the same time, be education through democracy, and schools and lessons should become a space of lived democracy, in which everyone can exercise the right to democratic participation, in which free and equal – but also different in their interests and identities – recognize each other. And it should be education for democracy, empower people to realize their own rights and stand up for the rights of others, resolve conflicts peacefully, and find compromises. Just like businesses such as must enjoy their rights in managing their businesses.

In order for civic education to achieve all of this, it must be given sufficient space in everyday school life. It has to be up to date, use new communication media, social networks, and innovative formats in order to appeal to the students and not be perceived as out of date. Furthermore, political education must not be perceived as an appendix, as a “nice to have” in school, but should represent a fundamental component of school education, teacher training, and school development.

Impacts of Corruption


Corruption can be defined as the abuse of power for personal or private gains. Corruption is so damaging that it can weaken democracy, erode trust, hamper economic development and also, exacerbates poverty, social division, environmental crisis and inequality. Exposing corruption and making the corrupt pay for their crimes will happen only if we truly understand how it works and the system that has enabled it.

Fundamentals about Corruption

As a matter of fact, there are many forms of corruption and it may include behaviors similar to:

  • Public servants taking money or favors or even demanding in exchange of a service
  • Politicians who are misusing public money or perhaps, granting public contracts or jobs to their friends, families and sponsors
  • Corporations bribing public officials in order to secure lucrative deals

Here’s something that you should know, corruption could take place anywhere whether it is in or any other business, the government itself, media, civil society, and in courts. Not to mention, all sectors from education and health to sports and infrastructure.

Additionally, corruption may involve anyone including government officials, politicians, business people, public servants or the members of public.

Corruption always happen behind the scene and oftentimes, with the backup of a professional enabler like:

  • Bankers
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Real estate agents
  • Anonymous shell companies and;
  • Opaque financial systems

These entities could allow the schemes of corruption to flourish and for the corrupt to hide and launder their illicit wealth. Corruption is adapting to various contexts as well as changing circumstances. It may even evolve in a response to changes in legislation, rules or technology.

What’s the Cost of Corruption?

If it would not be stopped, corruption can damage the different sectors of a nation including the following;

  1. Political Costs – this affects the public’s freedom and rule of law
  2. Social Costs – public’s participation and trust in the government is tainted
  3. Environmental Costs – your chances of getting sustainable future and healthy environment is in danger
  4. Economic Costs – it limits the opportunity to build your wealth and grow it

These are only few of the compelling reasons why it is a team effort not just for government officials but also, for the citizens of the nation to end corruption.

Rental Laws That Protect Tenants In The UK


Most rental deposits are limited to 5 weeks, and tenants are protected from unfair rents because they keep their hard-earned money in their pockets thanks to a new law that went into effect on June 1, 2019.

What Are Your Rights As a Tenant?

Unexpected fees and large deposits often make it impossible for people to buy their property and not be able to clearly explain it in advance. Many potential tenants do not know the actual cost of renting a property.

Rent laws now end unnecessary fees charged by landlords and brokers. Tenants across the UK are expected to save at least £240 million per year or up to £70 per household.

The law also limits the rental deposit that tenants pay at the beginning of their tenancy to an amount equal to the five-week rent. This gives people peace of mind that they don’t have to legally pay more than this to secure their property (total annual rent less than £50,000).

Community Minister Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP said:
Thanks to the enforcement of the Tenant Fee Act, from today, tenants are no longer affected by the unreasonable costs of brokers or landlords.

  • The law bans unnecessary rent and limits most deposits to a five-week rent. This will help tenants keep more of their hard-earned cash. In addition to the recent announcement that the industry is not fixing bug fixes, this will make rentals fairer and more transparent and make a housing market suitable for everyone.
  • The law also prevents tenants from charging hundreds of pounds for administrative or renewal fees. Also, under the law’s standard fee regime, landlords and brokers can only reimburse the tenant for reasonable expenses incurred due to the loss of keys or other security devices and must provide proof of these expenses before collecting the fee. You can also charge a standard late fee.
  • The law ensures that tenants who are charged an unfair fee can get their money back. The Transaction Standards or Tier 1 tribunal may require landlords and agents to repay prohibited payments or illegally held deposits within 7 to 14 days.

Putting these provisions together will help tenants reduce the initial costs they may incur upon lease renewal and termination.

The bill is part of a broad package of government reforms aimed at balancing the relationship between tenants and landlords in order to create a fairer, higher quality, and cheaper private rental market.

In April 2019, we announced a plan to prevent private owners from evicting tenants from their homes in a short time without good cause. We will discuss a new law that abolishes evictions under § 21, ending private owners who drive tenants out of their homes in just eight weeks.

In addition, it has introduced multiple powers for local authorities to take action against a small number of owners and agents renting inappropriate real estate. This includes a fixed fine of up to £30,000 and a ban on orders for the most serious offenders (aka for a lifetime).

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Ministers have also expanded compulsory licenses for apartment buildings and tightened regulations on smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to improve the living conditions of apartment tenants. Private landlords can also request a rent refund of up to 12 months if the landlord does not take into account the health and safety risks of the home.