According to the USA definition, “Terrorism is violence, or the threat of violence, calculated to create an atmosphere of fear to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives.” The common term of “international terrorism” is characterized by several aspects. First of all, the scope of its activities is beyond the individual states and has geopolitical parameters. The composition of participants of terrorist organizations is international; they are distinguished by professionalism and preparedness through participation in various conflicts.
Stable ties are established between terrorist organizations and transnational organized crime, especially drug trafficking. Striving to seize territories rich in natural resources that affect the interests of many states is characteristic for terrorist organizations. Fifthly, terrorism can have a significant impact on the interstate relations. Essentially, international terrorist organizations with their branched structure and significant financial base obtain properties of non-state actors in world politics. The predominantly network model of organization of terrorist structures (unlike the former hierarchical model) ensures their autonomy and readiness to rapidly solve specific tasks.
These structures are survivable and capable of regeneration. At the present stage two main metastrategies of terror are considered. First, forcing government agencies, international organizations, government and public figures to commit certain actions in favor of terrorists in order to avoid implementation of the threats by the latter against certain persons and groups, vital infrastructure, sources of risk to the environment.