The gunman responsible for the El Paso mass shooting last Saturday reportedly posted a manifesto on the 8chan online forum, warning readers about “Hispanic invasion,” minutes before he gunned down shoppers at the El Paso Walmart. The incident has more than ever amplified concerns over Trump’s repeated use of the word “invasion.” Although stated as a rhetoric about the rising number of Latino immigrants coming into the country

Instead of acknowledging even a hint of responsibility that his oft repeated rhetoric about “immigrant invasions:”somehow influenced the El Paso mass shooter to commit the “hate crime,” Donald Trump typically blamed other factors such as mental health and violent video games. He also blames Democrats for linking his rhetoric invasions to the recent spate of mass shootings, including the shooting incident that occurred in Ohio on the same day.

Police identified Saturday’s El Paso mass as Patrick Crusius, who turned 21 a week before he drove 10 hours from his hometown in Allen, Texas to commit a hate crime. Crusius is currently held in El Paso jail without bail and has been charged with capital murder.

Survivors and Witnesses Said Crusius Targeted Only Hispanics

According to relatives of the victims who were also at the scene of the shooting, Crusius was determined to kill only those that appeared to be of Latinx origin.

Chris Grant, a 50-year old African American whom Crusius took shots at only after Grant started throwing soda bottles as a way of distracting the shooter still have vivid memories about the incident. Grant recalls that Crusius had let white and black shoppers leave the store before shooting the victims. Since Grant was shot, he witnessed how the victims kneeled and prayed, begging Crusius to

‘Please! Please! Don’t shoot me.’

Grant said the memory of how Crusius just gunned down people who were already on the ground without any sign of remorse, still haunts him.
Still, Trump refuses to accept that the “invasion” rhetoric directed toward immigrants passing through the US. Mexico Border had nothing to do with the gunman’s actions.

El Paso Residents Want Trump to Apologize to the Community

Generally, the people of El Paso does not intend to welcome Trump upon his arrival. City Representative Alexsandra Annello though received some messages that encouraged welcoming Trump because the mass shooting is not about politics.

The City Representative disagrees, saying that after a week, people can expect Trump to turn around and resume mouthing the same racist rhetoric. After putting the community of El Paso in danger, she does not see Trump apologizing to the Hispanic people.