When we hear the word “politics”, most of us will immediately think complications, corruptions, greediness, etc.. In short, for most people, politics is a negative thing.

People would often think that all the negative connotations, thinking, and perceptions towards  politics and politicians are nothing compared to the complications and frustrations they always see to originate from politics and the leaders. Although there are instances that the latter statement is true, politicians or the leaders of the country deal with the problems of their people as well as their personal issues.

Having said this, the leaders definitely also experience the frustrations their people are feeling and experiencing. Frustrations that might ruin their thinking and psychological wellness. We have to understand that there are no exceptions when it comes to mental issues. Politicians might appear intimidating, strong, and brave,  but it does not mean that everything about them is fine.

Just like ordinary people, politicians should be able to take good care of their mental being. It is essential for a leader to have a clear mind to lead the people on the right path with the right attitude. They should set a very good example with regards to dealing or coping with frustrations and depression. This does not mean that they are forbidden of being affected to whatever negative thinking and feeling. This is somewhat just a reminder that they are expected to stand still for their people on every situation.

In order to maintain a healthy mind, it is very important to take into account the food intake. Read more about juicing, balanced diet, carbs and protein intake, and of course exercise. With the right combination of these, one will not just be physically fit but it will also impact the wellness of the mind. The totality of being healthy will always depend on the discipline needed to attain the healthy goal.