You would almost forget it because of the corona crisis, but in six months there will be elections to the House of Representatives. We asked voters what they believe should be the most important themes in Dutch politics in the near future.
The most frequently mentioned theme is ‘care’. In January, even before the corona crisis, care was already the main political theme according to most people. Yet there are clear differences. At the beginning of this year, for many people, it was mainly about money for elderly care. Even now, participants mention nursing home care, but it mainly concerns the use and availability of protective equipment such as mouth masks. For many, it is important to ensure that sufficient protective resources are available for employees in the coming period. Many people also write about pay increases for health workers, especially for people who work on the front line’.
Employment opportunities
The highest new entrant in the list is employment. At the beginning of this year, this topic did not score that high, but now that we are in the greatest economic crisis since the war due to the corona measures, people are en masse that the economy and employment deserve political attention in the coming period. Many people believe that measures that should be taken to help the economy recover should go above everything else in the coming months. “We are in a deep crisis. Politicians must do everything in their power to get us out because a good economy is the basis of happiness, quality of life, even health. The basis of almost everything,” said one participant.
After concern, the climate was the most frequently mentioned theme in January. Now the theme has managed to conquer a place in the top three again. And also in this subject reference is made to corona: “Climate change is not standing still because of the corona. We now have to invest in sustainability, and that can also create a new kind of job!” The fact that people consider the climate important can also be seen in the support for the climate goals. Because despite the corona and the economic crisis, support for the climate plans remains unchanged. A majority (59 percent) support the plan that CO2 emissions should be halved by 2030, exactly as many people as in 2019. And a year ago, 54 percent thought it was a good idea that the Netherlands should be virtually energy neutral by 2050. Support for this is also unabated (now 55 percent).
Corona approach
Combating COVID-19 itself is of course also frequently mentioned. People are then concerned with the concrete approach to the virus in the Netherlands: what measures is the government taking, and is there sufficient testing capacity? Many people are concerned that a second wave is on the way and healthcare agencies cannot handle it. Preventing this has a high priority.
The top five is complete with the theme of safety. Many people feel that society is becoming more and more aggressive. For example, they refer to the number of shooting and stabbing incidents in recent months and to various demonstrations that were not always peaceful. Is politics the only thing that piques your interest? Do you have a passion for agriculture as well? visit for more details.