Nowadays, seeing older adults aged 65 or older actively taking part in a sport or engaged in some kind of physical activity is no longer a surprising sight. Yet, we must admit that we are struck with awe when we see a senior vigorously pedaling a bike, competing in bowling tournaments , vying for pro tennis rankings or even show off their dancing prowess in international talent competitions.

Rather than let old age be a handicap that prevents them from doing things they love do to, many seniors are of the mind set to conquer aging symptoms by staying active, as doing so all the more makes them physically and mentally fit.

Present Day Politicians Exemplify Physical and Mental Ability as Seniors

Just look at the most prominent politicians in our midst today, in the persons of President-elect Joe Biden and soon-to-be-former president Donald Trump.

While Trump constantly mocked his presidential-election rival as “Sleepy Joe,” the description doesn’t fit because Mr. Biden has the look and stamina of a healthy senior. After the news media declared Joe Biden as the president-elect, he showed to the world that he is still physically and mentally fit to become the 46th U.S. President. Millions of viewers worldwide saw him jog on the way to the podium while wearing a protective mask; but not at all sounding short of breath when he delivered his moving speech.

During his campaign rallies, the former vice-president has been confronted with questions about mental fitness, for having stuttered, stammered and making verbal blunders during his public appearances. Yet today as we listen to his speeches, and observe the manner by which he is handling the transition process made difficult by Donald Trump, doubts about the president-elect’s mental fitness are all but gone.

After nearly a year of gruelling campaign activities, the now 78-year old President-Elect has shown only indications of determination to address all problems currently faced by the country, including the effects of climate change.

Transitioning from Inactive to Active, Best to Seek Medical Consultation First

Only recently, Pres-Elect Joe Biden’s personal care physician published a medical report attesting to the incoming POTUS’ fitness in assuming the related duties and responsibilities of a national leader. Dr. Kevin O’Connor also pointed out that the President-elect’s aversion to smoking and years of active engagement in regular workouts at least 5 times a week are the main reasons why even as a septuagenarian, Mr. Biden is still very much physically fit.

Seniors who are looking to transition from inactive to active lifestyle should first consult with their personal care physician. While many older adults can be physically active at any age, it would be best to have a medical opinion about one’s level of fitness. While there are different kinds of physical activities to engage in, the level of intensity and the length of time in which to spend engaged in such activity should be under professional medical supervision.

Let’s take for example the recumbent 3-wheel bikes that have become popular among active older adults. It would be wise for an elderly to start with light bike runs first, before moderately increasing one’s recumbent biking. Many older adults prefer to ride a 3-wheel bike because it’s more stable and allows for easy mobility. Especially now when they buy groceries and supplies online. A 3-wheel bike with a rear basket enables them to pick-up the ordered items instead of having to wait several days via a doorstep-delivery.

By the way, there’s an array of 3-wheel bikes available at Amazon, but as the Black Friday sale is on an extended run, the increasing demand for affordable 3 wheel bikes for seniors have caused some of the most popular brands to run out-of-stock