These pertain to all forms of beards that men have stood or let down over the millennia of human history. So if you want to get a beard, the choice will be difficult even if you opt to get it through a beard enhancer (Bartwuchs). Politicians should also consider whether it is even appropriate in our disrespectful times to bear the signs of power and masculinity openly on one’s face.

Why don’t politicians have giant beards anymore?

It is said that in the beard lies the strength, the substance, and therefore the potency of a man, and whose beard is really big; he will have a lot of luck in life, but at the same time bearded people are considered to be easily vulnerable. Especially when they are small, as every child learns from Hauff’s fairy tale “Snow White and Rose Red”, where the evil dwarf jams his long beard while splitting wood so that it is helplessly attached to the block of wood and can only be freed by cutting off part of its beard. But with which it also loses part of its substance, because according to old beliefs (or superstitions) whoever allows their beard to be taken from them submits to the violence of the other.

Nowadays politicians don’t necessarily have to split wood. But a beard also creates other dangers. And again, beards, in particular, are more susceptible to attack than the clean-shaven (to which the clever and cunning Caesar belonged). They constantly have to be prepared for someone to “grab their beard”, which they cannot always prevent. Otherwise, there would not be the saying “God does not let himself be gripped by the beard”, which implies that human beards sometimes have to put up with this from evil fellow men. It also follows from this saying that God also belongs to those who wear beards, which the bearded theologian Paul Schulz, who considers God to be a mathematical formula, vigorously denies, but this is much easier to imagine than a God,

Incidentally, razors: to consider it a modern invention would be completely wrong! The razor is already documented in literature from the time of the Homeric poems. (For both shaved and unshaven doubters, I immediately mention the source: Horn. II. 10,173.) And, as archaeologists assure, there are finds of razors from much earlier times.

While the Minoan Cretans shaved, the early inhabitants of Greece throughout the archaic period only needed the razor to shave their upper lip; She let chin and cheek hair grow. The custom of the Greeks, who in the classical period – bearded portraits of Pericles, Plato, and Sophocles show it – gave the beard wide leeway, the Etruscans also seem to have followed. The Romans also wore full beards until the first barbers came to Italy around 300 BC and the Romans shaved.