Chancellor! This is what it says in school newspaper, friendship books and school essays. In the end, however, only a few are trying to implement this plan strategically. The question immediately arises: is this possible at all – to plan a political career? So, of course, you can start getting involved in politics at an early age, choosing a thematically appropriate course of study and looking for closeness to influential people. However, there is still no guarantee that the efforts will ultimately lead to the political profession.

Be aware though that when you start a profession as a politician, this means you will have less time for your self or even your family. You will have lesser time tending to the garden or doing simple handy jobs like painting, so you will have to hand the job over to professional painting services like those you can easily find in Colorado Springs. If you are ready to face the consequences or have a great time management skills, then you can go ahead and consider working as a politician.


What does a politician’s everyday life actually look like? The general idea of politics is strongly influenced by the colorful images that flicker across the screens every day. From public speeches, campaign events, interviews and debates. Of course, politicians are people who are in the public eye and depend on the opinion of the voters but also party colleagues.

Behind the scenes, however, far more is happening than television tells us. After all, everything that is communicated to the outside world must first be worked out. This includes the preparation of speeches and interviews and, of course, the actual work of government. For this purpose, working groups are regularly convened, in which current topics are discussed and consultants are consulted. And this is happening not only in the ruling parties, but also in the opposition. Representative appearances, such as visits to schools, associations and public institutions, are of course also part of the politicians’ daily routine.

With a 40-hour week, you will not be able to meet your target. Politician is a profession that demands your attention 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This includes the willingness to spend a lot of time travelling and in hotel rooms. For example, as an MEP, you should prepare for 16-hour working days.


Although strategic career planning is almost impossible for the political profession, there are many prerequisites. The first is obvious, a participation in political events – ideally within a party affiliation. If you take a closer look at the politicians, you can quickly see that most were active party members in their youth.

The advantages offered by membership include, on the one hand, the contacts that are made and the funding opportunities offered. Because you are always dependent on the support of your party, if you show constant interest and commitment, you will be remembered when awarding nominations. If you have never been afraid to tackle, this can have a positive effect later on.

In addition, each party has its own programs in which the particularly prominent young talent is promoted. This puts the political profession within reach. However, in order to be included in these programs, you must have already noticed positively. In addition, the places are of course limited.

But what about studying? The fact is that only 10% of active politicians do not have a degree. Studying therefore seems to be conducive, at least statistically, to it. However, it is difficult to say which subject is most suitable. Economics, politics and law are certainly the closest thing to politics in terms of content, but a career can also be approached with any other degree. Contrary to statistics, however, it can also be an advantage if you do not have a university degree, but a degree. This is not about restricting access, but higher education graduates seem to have an above-average interest in a political career. So a different background could definitely increase your chances.


Politics must cover all areas of life. From family policy to business and infrastructure to environmental protection – your fields of application are diverse. Now, of course, you can think that you can find a way into the political profession through specialization. However, this is only partly the case. On the one hand, you can, of course, enter politics from the expert, for example economic adviser. However, it is much more common for politicians to change the field during their careers. From the Ministry of Family Affairs to the Ministry of Defense, there is not an unusual career.